Given the virus (covid-19) situation, we are very sorry to announce that the conference dates will be postponed to September 1st - September 30th 2020.
Update June 30th : The registrations are reopened on the conference website.
UPDATE June 5th
In agreement with the Steering Committee, the EuroSOI-ULIS'2020 edition becomes a virtual conference (01/09 - 30/09/2020).
You are welcome at Caen, Normandy for the next "in person" EuroSOI-ULIS’2021 edition. The EuroSOI-ULIS’2022 will take place at Udine (Italy).
The 2020 virtual edition instructions are the following:
1) A host website will be open for one month (01/09 up to 30/09/2020) and accessible to all authors / participants, but registration at very reduced cost will be mandatory (the registration website will be opened soon);
2) All the participants who have already paid the registration fees will be fully reimbursed and encouraged to re-register at the reduced fees proposed. Participation at 2020 virtual edition requires re-registration.
3) The authors will be invited to prepare a *.pdf of the presentations (for both orals and posters) and additionally a video with commented slides;
For each paper/presentation uploaded on the website, a chat (discussion forum) will be available for questions/answers during all period; for each presentation a separate channel will be available to open the possibility for the authors + interested persons to set up a video meeting.
The plenary talks may be on-line video-meeting, if the speakers will agree.
4) The 4 pages submitted abstract will be published in IEEExplore EuroSOI-ULIS'2020 proceeding only for registered authors to EuroSOI-ULIS’2020 virtual edition.
5) All authors registered to EuroSOI-ULIS 2020 virtual edition will be invited to submit an extended version of their paper to Solid-State Electronics for a special issue dedicated to EuroSOI-ULIS'2020 virtual edition.
This Conference aims at gathering together in an interactive forum all scientists and engineers working in the field of SOI technology and advanced nanoscale devices. One of the key objectives of the conference is to promote collaboration and partnership between different academia, research and industry players in the field. This year the joint EUROSOI-ULIS event will be hosted by the Normandy University (ENSICAEN, UNICAEN, ESIGELEC) in Caen, inside the William the Conqueror Castel, in the auditorium of Museum of Fine Arts.

The call for paper can be dowloaded here.
The authors of the accepted contributions will be requested to provide a 4-page extended abstract which will be included in the conference proceedings (with IEEE technical sponsorship and ISBN index) and in the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Outstanding papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of Solid-State Electronics. A best paper award will be attributed by the SINANO institute. A best poster award will be attributed by ELSEVIER.
Need help or information :
Conference Chair: Bogdan Cretu
Important dates :
extended abstract submission deadline : January 13, 2020 January 30, 2020
notification of acceptance : February 3, 2020 February 10, 2020
final paper submission: March 9, 2020 April 17, 2020
The organizing committee invites scientists and engineers working on SOI technology and advanced nanoscale devices to actively participate by submitting high quality, original contributions.
Original 2-page abstracts with illustrations will be accepted for review in pdf format. The template is available here.
The authors of the accepted contributions will be requested to provide a 4-page extended abstract which will be included in the conference proceedings (with IEEE technical sponsorship and ISBN index) and in the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Outstanding papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of Solid-State Electronics. A best paper award will be attributed by the SINANO institute.
Papers in the following areas are solicited:
- Advanced SOI materials and structures; physical mechanisms and innovative SOI-like devices.
- New channel materials for CMOS: strained Si, strained SOI, SiGe, GeOI, III-V and high mobility materials on insulator; carbon nanotubes; graphene and other two-dimensional materials.
- Properties of ultra-thin films and buried oxides, defects, interface quality; thin gate dielectrics: high-κ materials for switches and memory.
- Nanometer scale devices: technology, characterization techniques and evaluation metrics for high performance, low power, reliability, high frequency and memory applications.
- Alternative transistor architectures including FDSOI, Nanowire, FinFET, MuGFET, vertical MOSFET, FeFET and Tunnel FET, MEMS/NEMS, Beyond-CMOS nanoelectronic devices.
- New functionalities in silicon-compatible nanostructures and innovative devices representing the More than Moore domain, nanoelectronic sensors, biosensor devices, energy harvesting devices, RF devices, imagers, etc.
- CMOS scaling perspectives; device/circuit level performance evaluation; switches and memory scaling; three-dimensional integration of devices and circuits, heterogeneous integration.
- Transport phenomena, compact modeling, device simulation, front- and back-end process simulation.
- Advanced test structures and characterization techniques, parameter extraction, reliability and variability assessment techniques for new materials and novel devices.
Confirmed Plenary Talks Speakers
Mark Lundstrom (Purdue University, Indiana, USA)
"Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of Device Research"
Eddy Simoen (imec, Leuven, Belgium)
"Horizontal, stacked or vertical silicon nanowires: does it matter from a low-frequency noise perspective?"
Jung-Hee Lee (Kyungpook National University, South Korea)
"Fabrication and characterization of GaN-based nanostructure field-effect transistors (FETs)"
Cezar Zota (IBM Zurich, Switzerland)
"Novel Electron Devices for the Quantum Era"
Sorin Cristoloveanu (IMEP Minatec, Grenoble, France)
"The concept of electrostatic doping and related devices"
Social events:
visit of the Mont Saint Michel and its abbey, one of the first UNESCO's " World Heritage sites " ; of the Bayeux Tapestry Museum, a UNESCO's "Memory of the World".