Submission Guidelines

The submission is managed by the Sciencesconf platform. To submit an abstract, you will need to register to the Sciencesconf platform to get a login and account. Just select create account in the login menu on the top right of this webpage and fill the form.


Original 2-page abstracts with illustrations will be accepted for review in pdf format and submitted online on our website.

Papers submitted for review will clearly state: The purpose of the work, How and to what extent it advances the art, Specific new results and their impact.

Only work that has not been previously published at the time of the conference will be considered. Submission of a paper for review and subsequent acceptance is considered by the Committee as an agreement that the work will not be placed in the public domain prior to the conference.

The template is available here.

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The abstracts should be submitted by January 13, 2020.


The authors of the accepted contributions will be requested to provide a 4-page extended abstract which will be included in the conference proceedings (with IEEE technical sponsorship and ISBN index) and in the IEEE Xplore® digital library. Outstanding papers will be invited for publication in a special issue of Solid-State Electronics. A best paper award will be attributed by the SINANO institute. A best poster award will be attributed by ELSEVIER.


Guidelines for Accepted Contributions

Submission of 4-page extended abstract

The authors of the accepted contributions are requested to provide a 4-page paper to appear in the conference proceedings, which will be submitted to the IEEE Xplore® digital library. The MS Word or LateX template is available here:

The period for the 4-page papers submission is from March 9 to March 27 2020.

Submissions will be managed through IEEE PDF eXpress Plus ( The Conference ID is 49407X. After using IEEE PDF eXpress, submit your IEEE Xplore®-compatible PDF to


Oral Communication

The duration of a contributed talk will be 20 minutes, including the time for addressing questions from the audience.

A computer will be provided for presentations; presentation files can be either emailed to before the congress or transferred from USB drive before the start of the session. In any case, please be present in the room before the start of your session and introduce yourself to the session chair.


Posters should be A0 in portrait orientation. Panels will be available the whole day of the poster session, Tuesday 31 March. You can hang your poster at any time before the beginning of the poster session at 18:20 and you should remove it at the end (20:20). Mounting materials will be provided.





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